Archive | March, 2013

KME Book Club: Unbroken

31 Mar

Back in January, we had our first KME book club. We had read the Paris Wife (my choice) and discussed it over wine and apps. So grown up, I know. Next up was Unbroken, a biography about an Olympian runner turn POW during World War II. To be honest, I was not sure how much I would like this book. For starters, it was a biography–and I couldn’t remember the last time I read (or enjoyed) reading one. But let me tell you, it was one of the best books I have ever read. Under any other situation, I would insist that you take a statement of mine like that with a grain of salt, because I pretty much love 99% of the books I read. I’m just not too tough of a critic. But this was amazing. I can’t remember the last time I had a book that made me stay up late into the night knowing I had work the next day, or a book that made me laugh and cry all in the span of a page, or a book that taught me so much in 500 pages.

Anyways, read it for yourself. It is phenomenal.

Up next on the book club list: The Great Gatsby.

Traveled South for the Afternoon

19 Mar

If you’ve read any of my recent posts… you will know that we have been eating a ton of pulled chicken. And after a fabulous night at Sweet CheeksQ there was no stopping this barbecue craze. One of the BF’s coworkers told us about this amazing small barbecue joint out in Winthrop (a nearly thirty minute drive)… but since he was from the south, we decided to try Blackstrap BBQ on a cold Saturday afternoon. It. Was. Phenomenal. Not only was it genuinely good food, the atmosphere was incredible. You could really tell they cared about their food. And, if you ever go there, you MUST try all of their mustards and sauces on the side. I swear I could probably eat a meal of just their homemade spicy BBQ sauce.

Next thing you know we will be booking flights to Mississippi or Georgia or Texas or wherever has the best barbecue in the states… although next time  I see “sweet potato salad” on the menu I will know it is “mayonaise with sweet potatoes” and probably skip…

Resolution Set Backs

11 Mar

it seems like just yesterday I was posting my resolution updates. Well, let me tell you. I should never complain again, because shortly after posting how I was so ready to be done with this half marathon, I injure myself… and can no longer run. You just gotta be kidding me, right? next time I am able to run 10 miles, I promise I will be the most grateful person ever. And I’ll post about my gratitude just to prove it.

Also, in case you were wondering, Orthopedists don’t appreciate patients who complain of foot pain while wearing Sperrys. Whoops.

Life Lately According to my iPhone

7 Mar

Just a few updates…

(1) Beautiful bouquet of flowers that the BF sent me at work on Valentine’s Day. They lasted forever. In fact, I just had to throw them out this morning. Good work, BF! (2) Just a little Spa day at Bella Sante on a rainy sunday (3) The perfect homemade cupcake–post to follow (4) This past weekend I surprised my parents by coming home… which obviously turned into a series of photo shoots with my favorite furry creatures. (5) Cuddling with Tyler (6) Delicious brunch with the BF at Union Bar and Grille in the South End (7) Perks of working from home

Resolutions Revisited

3 Mar

Not sure if you remember, but back in January, I made a “2013 resolution” post in which decided that in 2013 I would (1) travel somewhere new (2) limit my soda intake and (3) sign up & run a half marathon. And so far, I’ve kept to all three. (1) The BF and I bought tickets so Spain & Portugal mid-January for ten days in the end of April (2) I haven’t had a drop of soda (not even in mixed drinks!) since that January 5th post and (3) we signed up and have been training for a half marathon which we are planning on running March 25th along the seacoast of New Hampshire. It’s funny to me because I have always hated new years resolutions, for reasons I have ranted about in my previous post… but for some reason, having this check of to which I feel like I have some sort of obligation to complete it. I have long been a fan of check lists and my new years resolutions are nothing short of a yearly set of tasks. So, three months into the year, it seems that all my little boxes are ready to be checked off. I should probably reconsider these “resolutions” come June and see what the next six months of 2013 can bring me.

In the meantime, the BF and  I have been training, training, training for this half-marathon and I cannot wait to be done with it for good. However, for someone who was told four and a half years ago that they might never be able to run again due to chronic back problems… it does feel really great to have beaten the odds, even if it’s only to check off a little empty box.