Archive | March, 2012

And So it Begins… The Series of “Last” Posts

26 Mar

Two months from tomorrow I will graduate from college. Isn’t that just ridiculous. What in the world will I do with my little blog once I’m in the real world? So far I’ve had suggestions to change my blog to “ApartmentStyler” or “Boston&theBF” neither of which roll of the tongue quite as nice as DormStyler… so everyone keep brainstorming

In the meantime, we had our last all college Gala this weekend. I could not be more upset. It was definitely, hands down the best Gala of all four years. I had the most fun in the world dancing the night away to swing music. the BF will not be so happy that there are photos of him in this post, but since they’re all in groups you will just have to choose for yourself which of these handsome boys is mine. Here are pictures from this years Gala as well as Galas from years past. Gosh, I want to just cry!

Life Lately According to My iPhone

19 Mar

Note: my iphone is unavailable during all the academic moments captured at college. Sorry that I did not take pictures of hours spent on SPSS or writing papers–they just don’t seem as visually appealing as the fun moments:

(1) smoothies at the farm with friends on a saturday afternoon (2) chocolate chip cookies for St. Patrick’s Day 3. kittens spotted roaming the farm (3) hot find at the local good will (4) loving all the dogs that attend the home sports games–pretty much the only reason I go to the games… but hey at least I’m supportive, right? (5) Brunch at the Pop Shoppe with with the BF

DIY Find: A Beautiful Mess

15 Mar

I absolutely love do-it-yourself projects and am constantly on the lookout for DIY blogs.

I recently came across this blog while looking at the Homies’ nominations for best Blogs of the year. A Beautiful Mess was created by a group of women all seeking to create a beautiful life for themselves. I absolutely love the DIY contributors, they have such great posts. What I probably love MOST about the DIY section is the number of posts that are dedicated to shoes. It’s like this blog knows how obsessed I am with shoes…

Here are some of my favorite DIY projects. I cannot wait to try some!

Weekend Recap

14 Mar

I spent Friday in Boston and it was spectacular.

If you read my previous post, you know that last Friday I trekked down to beantown with a group of my college friends to see the Celtics play the Trail Blazers. If you’ve read ALL of my posts, you will know that I kinda front when it comes to being a sports fan. Yeah, you could say that I like the whole “athletic” part of the game… but they’re really just a great social experiment. All things considered, it was a blow out game; the Celts won 104 to 86 and the only reason the Trail Blazers got 86 points was because we put in our bench warmers at the end. Don’t I actually sound what I’m talking about?

Anyways, the game itself was only supplementary to how great it felt to be back in Boston. We went to Fajitas and Ritas near the Commons for dinner. It was absolutely amazing. Not only was the food cheap, but it was delicious. The BF and I split a Chicken Fajita platter for two… which consisted of nearly 20 chicken breasts… what group of two can eat ten chicken fajitas each? Crazy stuff. Luckily I was at a table of hungry college guys, so it wasn’t too big of an issue. Plus the restaurant was located right next to my favorite used book store (Brattle Books) and one of my favorite restaurants (Max and Dylans) so it really felt like I was living there again… sans the hot summer weather.

So you get it. I loved being back in Boston. I cannot wait to move there in June.


Returning to My Happy Place

8 Mar

Dear Boston, it’s been far too long. I’ve missed you.

You’ve probably forgotten all about my one true love, since all I do is talk about the brutal and ugly winters in Maine… But tomorrow I’m going Boston and I couldn’t be more excited

I’ve been looking back through my posts of Boston (namely here and here) to help me write this post. It seems as though I was living in that little studio apartment on Kelton Street ages ago, and to think that my NEXT move to Boston will be closer to my last makes me feel all nostalgic and distant. But enough of the sob story–a group of my college friends and I bought tickets to the Celtics game tomorrow night. We’re making the three hour trek down just to turn around and come back up again. Bummer, I know. Doesn’t anyone know how much I want to go to Charley’s or Zaftig’s  for Brunch? Or a quick stop at JP Licks? I would settle for Starbucks if it meant I got to see the Boston skyline mugs they sell. I mean can I at least get on the Green Line once?

I retract that last statement–I would be perfectly happy never having to ride the Green (B) Line again. That said, I cannot wait to be back in Boston even if it means rush hour traffic at 5:00pm as we drive in for the game.

Big Kid Arts and Crafts

8 Mar

Who says you can’t be creative in college?

For as long as I can remember, I was a huge arts & crafts fan. This can probably be attributed to my mother–a fabric artist–who taught us all how to sew at really young ages. Although I absolutely hated sewing and quilting growing up (what a little rebel) it turns out the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, because lately I cannot get enough. My sophomore year in college my mom had her old Bernina sewing machine fixed so that I could have one up at school. After semester of making Halloween and themed dance costumes, I finally decided to make my own quilt.

And let me tell you, cutting fabric is a lot easier when you can use your mom’s two-car garage studio instead of the laundry room in the basement of your dorm. Regardless, I’d say it turned out pretty well.

After hours of painting for my costume design class I decided to make a Lobster…

DormStyler does Bahamas Part III

4 Mar

What, you’re tired of my Bahama photos?

This is my third (and perhaps last) round of beachy posts… that is until I decide that the weather in Maine is yet again too cold for my liking and I escape to paradise through my little blog. Until then, here are more photos from the trip. These were all taken with the underwater camera we purchased before leaving Maine. I absolutely love getting photos printed. There is something so exciting about picking them up and finally getting to see how they all turned out. It makes me want to stop checking my digital camera after every moment is captured to make sure it turned out well. I like not having the option to delete and really focus on capturing the important moments.

The last three pictures nicely capture my horrific encounter with the baby blue fish. Maybe it was my tan, or my brightly colored bathing suit–but a small school of these fish decided to follow me. It was all fun and games until they all started swimming up against me. Soon after, the flailing began and I required a piggy back to shore

In Like a Lion…

2 Mar

Yesterday, on March 1st it snowed a foot.

If you’ve ever read ANY of my posts regarding Maine, you probably know that I absolutely hate winter. I know, I know… it’s great for skiing and snowball fights and late night hot coco… but not so good for those of us who prefer warmer weather. This winter has been particularly mild (thank goodness!) but it seems as though the tables have turned. As the saying goes, in like a lion out like a lamb. Let’s hope the rest of March doesn’t look like this.

My poor bike. I’m a really bad owner and left it out this winter. Whoops.