Archive | September, 2012

Sunday’s In Boston

24 Sep

Yesterday, I somehow managed to get the BF to willingly go to the SoWa Market with me in South Boston. Miracles really do happen. Plus the BF got to introduce me to one of his favorite food trucks, Bon Me. It was one of the most beautiful days–cool enough for a jean jacket. I absolutely love little markets like this, when I’m home I try to go to Eastern Market every chance I get… the fact that we now have a market walking distance (okay, that’s pushing it… trekking distance) is just about the best thing ever. I have fallen in love with the South End and hope to move there as soon as I can afford their ridiculous apartment prices.

It was one of my favorite Sunday’s ever… Especially considering that it involved very little Football… until the Sunday night game that is.

Welcome to My Humble Abode: Part II

21 Sep

Okay. Most of the apartment isn’t neat enough to showcase so this is going to be a little more “random” of a selection than HA Part I–so just be warned! Plus we’re currently working on extending the photo wall (image below!) so I will showcase the living room then.

stay tuned…

(1) Nightstand from Ikea with one of my favorite photos of my BF and I, a very special bottle of wine, a single rose in a mason jar, and miscellaneous jewelry items (2) Shared dresser–easily the hardest part of sharing an apartment with the BF (3) My newest jewelry innovation (4)  The dresser top including my favorite piggy bank that my Mom gave me for my 21st birthday and a hand-carved Rhino we got in Africa (5)My favorite poster from Ork Poster  and my Bates flag (6) Shot of the photo wall thus far…currently expanding to the entire left wall as well!

Welcome to my Humble Abode: Part I

16 Sep

I know that the whole theme of this blog is (was) styling dorm rooms and interior decorating… and now that I’m no longer a dorm-dweller, I should be sharing tidbits of my big girl apartment in Boston. And since the only room that stays constantly clean is the kitchen, I thought I’d showcase that bad boy first. The remaining 500 sq feet will be featured once I pick up my clothes off the floor.

photos include:

(1) our glass table that really makes the room look bigger than it is with the beautiful roses the BF picked up for me this week (2) our GAS stove… no more electric wohoo! (3) my showcased oils and vinegar (4) my KitchenAid Standing Mixer that I love oh so much (5) my “garden” although I like to think them more as pets since I’m not allowed to have a real one (6) easily my favorite part of the kitchen: the dishwasher. How did I ever live without you? (7) entrance way shot (8) Saturday morning blueberry pancakes that the BF whipped up

Life Lately According to my iPhone

9 Sep

And what would I do without my handy dandy iPhone??

(1) Perks of the job–getting to play with jewelry all day long (2) Beautiful sunset after a long day of work of playing with jewels (3) 5:00am parking on Labor Day Weekend before the BF and I jetsetted home to DC (4) Home means getting to cuddle with this fatso cat (5) Another perk of the job:  Stuart Weitzman boots I snagged at the sample sale!! (6) Homemade chili with cornbread and avocado to bring in the fall (7) Take-out with friends (8) This little guy I had to leave behind at home

Post College Blues

3 Sep

The hardest thing about graduating has definitely been leaving friends. And even three plus months out, it doesn’t get any easier to say goodbye. Last weekend we spent the weekend at Squam Lake, New Hampshire with a group of friends. It was really bittersweet-as we were having one last farewell blast with our friend Chris who is moving to Botswana next week to teach English. He has been inviting us to his lake house since freshman year, so as we all move on in different directions it was nice to see our experiences come full circle.

We will miss you, Chris!

Please don’t extend for two years!