Archive | July, 2012

Dormstyler Does Africa Part I

26 Jul

You can’t always be stylish. But it’s nice to know that even in Africa the BF looks sharp. Updates from the Bush when I return!


My Future Indoor Backyard

18 Jul

One day I’ll have a garden. For right now, I have two invincible little ivy-type plants and a small basil plant. But ever since we moved in one block from the fens, my appetite for greenery keeps growing. However, it just so happens that we also moved in three blocks away from a WestElm… and they have the most amazing terrarium collection I’ve ever seen. And maybe, just maybe, I’ve found my balance between having a backyard and living in a one-bedroom apartment.

If you don’t know what a terrarium is, don’t worry–it wasn’t until last month that I discovered the bonsai wasn’t the only miniature garden available

Here is a info page with lots of details about terrariums… but more importantly here is my inspiration for my future indoor backyard

Aren’t they so fun?

I cannot wait to make one myself. Hopefully the upkeep won’t be too much… it’s a miracle those three little plants of mine have survived this far.

Surprise Party

17 Jul

This past weekend, my smarty-pants BF took the MCAT. And to celebrate, I threw him a surprise party.

Miracles really happen–because I am absolutely terrible at keeping secrets. And I almost spilled the beans at least twenty times before the actual date. But somehow, the surprise gods were with me and I kept it together for the big day. Ten of our best friends from college all came over to the apartment while the BF was in his test and when we finally got home, they jumped out. It was perfect and I’m so thankful to have such great friends to help support the BF.

Cake Love

11 Jul

Ever since getting that little KitchenAid Mixer of mine, I’ve been on a baking and baked-good gawking spree. Particularly, I’ve been loving the ombre and multi-shade baked goods. I cannot even tell you how many hours I’ve spent on pinterest looking at recipes and admiring some of the craftsmanship that goes into serious cake baking.

And then the 4th of July came around. And since it was the worst possible timing. I mean, on a Wednesday, come’on. So I did what I could with limited time. Bought some Betty Crocker White Cake Mix, some Shaw’s brand food coloring and went from there


And know that you know that I’m the best baker around–here are some examples of other, less impressive and less creative bakers…

All the pictures are linked up to the original post, so enjoy searching. And if you’re getting super ambitious, here is a step by step tutorial of ombre cake baking. So great.

Life Lately: Weekend Edition

4 Jul

Two weekends ago, I went South to Martha’s Vineyard for a quick getaway with my college friends. It was absolutely fantastic, and although the week had been rainy and cold, the sun finally came out for us. Then, this past weekend, my mama came into town to visit the BF and I–and spoiled us rotten with days full of eating out and exploring Boston. We both miss her already!


Photos include: (1) mama taking BF and I out to church where we ordered those delicious Vanity cocktails (2) the BF got a paintbrush with his baby-back ribs and (3) the homemade carrot cake I made for my mom (with help from my kitchenaid) cake recipe here (sans pineapple and rasins) cream cheese frosting recipe here. Lets just say, it was a hit.

 And WHILE my mom was here in Boston this is what happened to my house:

If you’ve been living in a hole this week: DC proper got hit by a HUGE thunder storm and 1.5 million (including my family) have been without power since last Friday (6/29) luckily for us, no one was hurt—except of course for this old tree

DIY: Coasters

2 Jul

Last year for Hanukkah my mom bought my brother and his girlfriend map coasters. She chose special places: each of their hometowns, where they met, their homes and where they live now (Murray Hill, Manhattan). I loved the idea so much–and didn’t want to have to wait for the holidays that I decided to venture out into craft world and make them myself. I found this tutorial while searching pinterest one day and just had to make them.

All you need is: mod podge, felt, any road atlas, water-resistant clear acrylic spray (I had a can left over from this project) and ceramic tiles

Just a warning: let the coasters sit for a long time after you mod-podge them down. That stuff does NOT dry quickly!


And for those of you out there who LOVE the idea but don’t want to take the time to make them (I promise it’s a quick project) here are some similar coasters I found on Etsy

(1) Chicago Coasters (2) Maine Coaster (3) Portland, Oregon Coasters (4) Virginia/Maryland/DC (5) The World