Tag Archives: camping

Summer Checklist

23 Jun



Every summer, I make a check list. This should not be surprising to you, if you’ve read this blog before. I’m really into check lists, mostly because I live for the feeling of crossing a to-do list item off. Such completion and finality. I just can’t get enough. In 2011, when I started this blog, I would frequently post check lists (like here, here, here and here). And because it is currently 93 degrees outside, and the sun won’t be setting for another three hours (bless you, summer!)–I figured it was about time, I get cracking on another summer list. And this summer, unlike every summer prior, I am going to make realistic goals that won’t overwhelm me:

1. Learn to can. What a weird summer goal, I know. I probably just miss Maine so much that I want to make enough blueberry jam to last me a lifetime.

2. Go on a camping trip… again, I think I miss Maine.

3. Make flavor-infused vodkas like this, this and this for the perfect summer cocktails

4. Make a photo album of my trip to Barcelona & Lisbon

5. One red sox game

6. Two visits to cities outside of New England


Six items to do before labor day. Wish me luck.